Silchester Welcomers
Silchester welcomers is a group of 25 volunteers who visit people soon after they move into the village.
They take a pack of information which contains a copy of the Tadley Roundabout, bus timetables, leaflets about Exploring Silchester, the Primary School, the Silchester Association, the dates of the Market and a letter where the welcomer fills in their contact details. They also check whether the newcomer has received a copy of the Silchester Magazine-some people take their own copy round in case they haven’t, as this is a really useful source of information about the village.
We do try to make personal contact but the pack can be left if this is proving difficult, since it will contain details of how the welcomer can be contacted. The welcomer will do their best to answer any questions about the area.
After the visit the welcomer will let me know so I can supply them with a new pack, liaise with the Magazine deliverer, if necessary, and let Irene or Ann-Marie know if the people are happy for their names to go in the People News section in the magazine.
Although this is not an onerous job for the welcomer it is very much appreciated by new residents. Welcomers are only allowed to move house after they have provided a replacement!
We think we have the village pretty well covered but if you know of anybody who has been missed please tell me. Also any suggestions for other items which newcomers might find useful would be gratefully received.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Jan Hughes -